List Of Skyrim Wives

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The Divines have blessed a total of 30 female marriage candidates and 37 male marriage candidates in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and official expansions.

  1. List Of Skyrim Wives
  2. Optional Kill Amaund Motierre
  3. List Of Wives Of Skyrim
  4. Skyrim Hottest Wives List
  1. Skyrim Top 5 Wives. This exercise of spiritual communion to assure the achievement of a relationship often will last for yrs and sometimes decades.The huge importance positioned on marriages in Altmer modern society generates both extreme pressure for those expected to get married to as well as societal stigma for those who prevent relationship.
  2. This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Skyrim Quest Redesign Project. The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines.
  3. I know what you're thinking and the answer is no; I haven't added this mod to the first spot on.

What are some follower wives in skyrim? Thi is the list I go by and how to get them eligible for marriage. There are some new ones in Hearthfire the Redguard housecarl in Falkreath.

You can marry anyone regardless of your Dragonborn's race or gender, so long as you've fulfilled whatever conditions make them your friend. Housecarls will be wiling to wed you as soon as they enter your service, mercenaries must be hired first, and other candidates have fetch quests or other requirements.

You'll also need to exhaust the dialog options with Maramal, the priest in the Temple of Mara in Riften, and be wearing an amulet of Mara in order to initiate a marriage proposal. It does not have to be an amulet purchased from Maramal, any amulet of Mara will do. There's a free one in a tent along the shoreline east of Dawnstar. Others appear at random throughout the game.

Skyrim allows one marriage and only one per Dragonborn, even if your spouse is killed — unless you use mods or console commands. There's a persistent rumor that players can kill their spouses and remarry, but I suspect that's a feature added by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch that PC players frequently download, or possibly a very early gameplay bug that was patched in subsequent updates, so don't assume it will work for you. Choose your spouse wisely.

There's only one Altmer and one Redguard, both female, who can be married. The Hearthfire DLC adds a second Redguard female. There are no Bosmer (wood elves) or Khajiit (cat people) to marry, at all, male or female, unless using mods or console commands.

After the wedding, all male and female spouses will give you a homecooked meal and 100 septims a day. You can live in your spouse's home or move them into one of your homes, though some spouses may leave — such as Camilla taking over her brother's shop if he dies or Ysolda taking over the Bannered Mare if Hulda dies. I've also read that only spouses from the Dragonborn DLC can be moved to Severin Manor on Solstheim, but I don't have confirmation of this.

The main differences between spouses, other than appearance and voice, are where they live, whether or not they can be followers, and how likely they are to be killed. I recommend marrying someone who is a follower, even if you don't take them with you on adventures, because you can access their inventory and give them weapons, armor, staffs, enchanted items and health potions, to help keep them alive. Towns and Hearthfire homes do get attacked, and death does happen, unless your spouse is one of the few programmed 'essential,' or unless you're using mods and console commands.

For more about marriage in Skyrim, see this Elder Scrolls wiki page or this Unofficial Elder Scrolls wiki page.

Let's take a look at our choices…


The Companions are a warrior guild in Whiterun and for many players the first faction of friends and potential marriage candidates you'll meet. Some are both teachers and followers, which allows you to buy skill training and then access their inventory and take back the gold, essentially getting training — and level ups — for free.

All live in Jorrvaskr, where you can live anyway if you join the guild, so you won't gain additional housing through marriage. Several players have also reported glitches in which steward or married Companions return to Jorrvaskr instead of living in the Dragonborn's home.

Aela is Supreme Werewolf Queen of Side-Boob, which makes her almost as popular a wife choice as cranky Lydia. Aela and Njada are both Nords and trainers, in archery and blocking respectively. Ria is an Imperial. All three are skilled warrior women and possible followers, but Aela's level cap is 50, while the others max out at 25.

List Of Skyrim Wives

Between Vilkas' tear-streaked emo eyeliner and Farkas' dumb-yet-endearing-jockishness, the Brothers Werewolf are popular husbands.

Vilkas is a two-handed trainer, follower, spouse and steward. Farkas is a heavy armor trainer, follower and spouse. Both are level capped at 50. Torvar is a potential follower and spouse who is a surly drunk. He's capped at 25.

All three are Nords. There's also a Dark Elf in the Companions who can be married, but I've listed him with the Dunmer, below.


All housecarls are Nords, except Rayya who's a Redguard. All begin with the same armor, weapons and stats, except Valdimar who is a spellsword, while the rest are classified as warriors. They live in houses that belong to you, so you won't get a bonus house through marriage.

All are possible spouses, stewards and followers who will defend you unto death. They are all level capped at 50, so should be able to stick with you through most of the game, assuming you continue to improve their weapons, armor and other gear. Don't forget to put health potions in their inventories.

From left to right: Lydia (Breezehome in Whiterun), Iona (Honeyside in Riften), Jordis (Proudspire Manor in Solitude). and Rayya (Lakeview Manor, added by the Hearthfire expansion).

The basic game gives us Argis the Bulwark (Vlindrel Hall in Markarth) and Calder with the groovy mutton chops (Hjerim in Windhelm). Hearthfire evens up the score with two more male housecarls — Valdimar (Windstad Manor) and Gregor (Heljarchen Hall).


There are several gray-skinned Dunmer to marry, perhaps because of the popularity of Morrowind?

Avrusa Sarethi is an alchemist with her own farm.

Brelyna Maryon is an apprentice mage at the College of Winterhold (no bonus house there) and she can also be a follower, level cap 30.

Dravynea the Stoneweaver is an Expert Alteration trainer who works in the Steamscorch Mine and lives in Braidwood Inn in Kynesgrove.

Jenassa is a mercenary follower living in the Drunken Huntsman, level cap 40.

Revyn Sadri is a merchant in Windhelm and a speech skill trainer, but will only marry or train the Dragonborn if you help him with his request to return a stolen ring. If you don't side with him, it is possible to marry Viola instead (see below).

Romlyn Dreth is a bootlegger with a small home under the city of Riften.


Sondas Drenim is a food vendor at Darkwater Crossing, a mining camp.

Athis is a member of the Companions who can be a follower or spouse, as well as one-handed skill trainer, level capped at 25.


Anwen (Redguard), Orla (Nord) and Senna (Breton). All of these ladies live in the Temple of Dibella, goddess of love, in Markarth. Note: There's a reported bug with Orla where she refuses to leave the temple to live in anywhere else.

While not devotees of a love goddess, these three seem to be popular hunky husband choices for their looks, personality and skills.

Marcurio the sassy Imperial mage mercenary can be hired at his residence, the Bee and Barb in Riften, and is level capped at 40.

Onmund is a sweet apprentice at the College of Winterhold who is a potential mage follower (level cap 30) and steward, whose Nord family does not supporting his interest in magic.

Vorstag is a warrior mercenary who can be hired from his residence, the Silverblood Inn in Markarth. He has a sweet disposition while also being a badass fighter, and possesses one of the softer Nord voices in the game.


Camilla is sister to the proprietor of Riverwood Trader and the Imperial creamy center of a love Oreo between Faendal the Bosmer archer and Sven the Nord bard. If you marry her, her 'friends' will continue to visit her at your home, wherever you live. She may also return to Riverwood and take over the family business if her brother dies.

Muiri is a Breton alchemy assistant who inherits the Hag's Cure in Markarth if her employer is killed (and who also has an interesting love life, too, which you will hear about while doing the Dark Brotherhood questline).

Ysolda is an enterprising Nord drug dealer with her own tiny house in Whiterun, who takes over the Bannered Mare if Hulda the innkeeper is killed. She was made 'essential' by one of the official updates (which are automatically included in some versions of the game), so cannot die, I assume because of her role in the quest 'A Night to Remember.'

Sylgja manages to retain her youthful beauty in spite of being a hard-working Nord miner, and her big bust apparently doesn't get in the way of swinging a pickaxe all day at Redbelly Mine in Shor's Stone.

Sorexis an Imperial whose father owns the Winking Skeever in Solitude, involved in a love triangle with Vivienne Onis and Roggvir until the latter was beheaded. After marriage, he may continue flirting with ladies who enter the inn and he hates every home except Proudspire Manor.

Quintusis an Imperial alchemist who takes over the White Phial shop in Windhelm when his employer dies. I don't know if he qualifies as a hottie (maybe if he lost that hat), but he's young and seems to be kind.

Wilhelm owns the Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead. While the Nord cannot be a follower, he possesses pickpocket skill and is marked 'essential' so he can never be killed.

Roggi Knot-Beard is a Nord miner in Kynesgrove, drunk and in debt, who can be a potential spouse, steward and follower, though his skills are minimal and his level is capped at 20.


If you prefer your spouse to be a little older and wiser, we have…

From left to right: Aeri, Nord owner of Anga's Mill and her own house. Gilfre, Imperial owner of Mixwater Mill and her own house. Temba, Nord mill owner in Ivarstead. Uthgerd the Unbroken, Nord mercenary, level cap 30, for hire in the Bannered Mare and owner of a decent house in Whiterun.

Ainethach is a prominent Breton who runs the Sanuarach Mine and owns a farmhouse in Karthwasten.

Balimund is a blacksmith and smithing skill trainer with a house and forge in Riften, which he shares with his adopted son Asbjorn Fire-Tamer.

Filnjar is a Nord blacksmith with a house in Shor's Stone.

Stenvar is a Nord warrior mercenary with a decent sense of humor who may be hired from his home, Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm. He has the same voice as Farkas and Balimund. I married him in my first playthrough. He makes an excellent follower but is capped at level 40 and I had to retire him to Proudspire Manor with our kids sometime between levels 45-50.


If you like the kind of spouse who has green skin and tusks, we have the orcs or 'Orsimer' of Skyrim.

Female orcs: Borgakh the Steel Heart is the daughter of the Chief Larak of the Orc stronghold of Mor Khazgur and a potential follower, level cap 30. Ghorza is a blacksmith and smithing trainer in Markarth, who lives with her brother in Understone Keep.

Male orcs: Gat Gro-Shargakh is a miner who lives in Kolskeggr Mine, east of Markarth. Moth gro-Bagol is Ghorza's brother and also a blacksmith, working and living in Understone Keep in Markarth. Ghorbash the Iron Hand is an Orsimer living in Dushnikh Yal and is the brother of Chief Burguk. He is a potential follower (capped at level 30), spouse and steward.

Or if that isn't exotic enough for you, the Argonian spouses…

One lizard lady, Shahvee, and two lizard gentleman, Derkeethus and Scouts-Many-Marshes.

Scouts-Many-Marshes is a light armor trainer but not a potential follower, so you probably can't retrieve your gold from his inventory after training. He and Shahvee live in the Argonian Assemblage bunkhouse in Windhelm, if you marry and move in with one of them.

If rescued from Darkwater Pass, Derkeethus can be a follower (ranger class, level cap 30 and the only Argonian follower in the game) and potential marriage candidate. After being rescued, he will move back to the small mining camp of Darkwater Crossing and might get killed by Falmer who spawn there.


One male and two female marriage candidates are added by the Dragonborn DLC. All are Nords. From what I've read, these are the only spouses who can live with you in Severin Manor, but I'm not sure if they are limited to Solstheim or can move to Skyrim, too.

Halbarn Iron-FurandHilund are residents of Bujold's Retreat/Thirsk Mead Hall and Morwen has her own home in the Skaal Village. Halbarn and Hilund are level capped at 60, but I'm not sure if any of them can be followers or not.


These are the final three eligible females, but there's much more to discuss on the male side. I'll follow up with that in a sec.

Mjoll the Lioness is a Nord who lives with Aerin in Riften. She is a skilled fighter who can be a follower, and while capped at 40, what makes her special is that she cannot be killed. Even after her quest is finished, she will not die. Keep in mind that wherever she goes, Aerin will follow.

Taarie lives in the Radiant Raiment shop in Solitude, which is pretty special if you decide to move in with her, but what makes her really special is that she is the only Altmer (High Elf) marriage candidate in the game.

Viola is special because she appears to be the only old female marriage candidate, as well as an Imperial living in Windhelm (Ulfric Stormcloak's city) with a very large home that rivals Hjerim.


Omluag is a Breton who lives in the Warrens (basically the homeless shelter) of Markarth.

Odfel is a Nord who shares a small house with an orc and whose claim to fame is a unique pickaxe called Rocksplinter.

Perth is a Breton miner in Soljund's Sinkhole who looks like he should be following Dorothy and Toto to see the Wizard. He shares a house with Tuthul (who is kind of hot looking and has a cool mohawk, but isn't a marriage candidate – why?).

Pavo Attius seems to be the best catch of the bunch, since the Imperial owns the Kolskeggr gold mine and a house outside Markarth, but he will remain in miner's clothes unless you have a PC mod. Forsworn might also invade from time to time and can kill him when you're not around, unless you move him to another home.

Angrenor Once-Honored is a homeless Nord war veteran who lives on the streets of Windhelm.

Belrand is an old spellsword for hire in the Winking Skeever.

Benor is a Nord thug who lives in Morthal and has been denied a job with the city guards but still lives in the guardhouse anyway. Beat him up to win his heart.

Cosnach is a drunk whose heart can also be won by a brawl. In my experience, he's a decent follower with some funny dialog about 'aiming for the one in the middle' (since he's drunk, get it?). He lives in the Warrens of Markarth.

Octieve is a retired old Breton veteran who offers some two-handed training. He gambles, drinks, and lives with his grown daughter Evette in Solitude.


Blazing badass Teldryn Sero fills all top ten of my list. My heart is forever broken that the Dunmer spellsword can neither marry nor become a steward so we could have at least lived together. It might have been nice to marry Faendal, the sweet Bosmer archer of Riverwood, or black leather clad bad boy Brynjolf of the Thieves Guild.

Really, just about any of the Thieves Guild members would have been acceptable partners. Partners for what, exactly? Yeah, I guess they're not really the marrying type.

Alas, they are all unavailable, unless you're rocking a mod on PC. I've been playing on PS3.

~ J.L. Hilton

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I really wonder why a website as popular as the Nexus, which is the most prominent mod community, doesn't really have a 'spouses' category.

I was trying to find some cool spouse mods for my characters and I struggled to come across any that I liked. But given all the effort I put into that research, I figured why not share it with you kind Skyrim fans?

So this list covers all my personal favorite mods on relationships, marriage, and family time for TES Skyrim.

It might've taken me hours to put this together, but don't worry – it'll only take you a few minutes to read it and decide which of these mods you want.

And this post includes male spouses for Skyrim as well as female spouses for Skyrim, so it's got a little something for everyone.

In any case, be sure to check out each character and try out the ones you like the most. Some of them are even fully voiced!

15. Marriage Mod

This is the only mod on my list that doesn't add any new spouses to the game.

But I still find it quite fitting because it's truly going to improve your marriage experience by a landslide.

List Of Skyrim Wives

First of all, this mod allows you to have multiple spouses.

Which seems like a fitting thing to do in a world that aims to resemble how the Nords where in the days of old.

I'm pretty sure Bethesda didn't add this feature because of moral reasons. But worry not – modders are far from the most moral people on Earth (looking at you, weirdo mod makers).

That's not all you will get with this mod either.

The marriage mod also aims to fix many of the bugs that marriage has in base-game Skyrim, improving little tweaks that you'll notice as you play with it.

Now it doesn't matter if you want to marry multiple people at once or just make marriage feel better – this is the mod to get.

14. Avrusa Sarethi

Avrusa Sarethi is quite an interesting character, yet one that not many players really wish to marry.


Well, because she isn't really pretty in vanilla Skyrim.

However this mod gives her a quick rework, making this farm woman a much more desirable spouse by changing her looks and some of her quirks.

The also changes the body design, making her look a bit more feminine than her farmer self.

13. Bolrin

Female characters are fun and all. But you might not be looking to marry a woman.

I've added this male character to the list to spice things up a bit.

Plus you also get the chance to have a companion that's a master with the bow and arrow.

It doesn't matter if your character is looking to marry a guy or not, Bolrin is a great addition. Even as a friendly companion to the game.

12. Cute Argonian Spouse

This mod has one of the least original names that I've ever seen.

The name is so dull that I almost chose not to try it, but it's very popular with the community. So I caved and installed this sucker.

Honestly, I'm thankful that I did.

I think it's kinda racist that all marriable characters tend to be humanoids. Reptilians deserve some love as well – especially because they're probably behind the creation of a New World Order (right?)

In any case, it's time for the game to have a proper Argonian spouse. This is the mod to add it! Among a few other aragonian mods.

11. Kashim

Kashim is a mighty Redguard that does wonders with a sword and shield.

He's masterful at combat and a companion that will help you in battle, as well as a character that you can marry.

Redguards aren't really too popular among the community for various reasons.

But this one's a fantastic addition to the game.

10. Brelyna Maryon

Now this mod alters the look of Brelyna to make her look more appealing as a wife.

The mod uses the Better Bodies mod to improve the appearance of the character, as well as some facial modification mods. You might even try combining this with other beauty mods to really revamp Skyrim.

Why not marry a dark elf wizard for a change?

9. Khagra

Khagra is an orc and one of the best male spouses that I came across while making this list.

Optional Kill Amaund Motierre

The details of the character's face are very well done, and the dude himself is super useful as a companion.

Check him out, you won't regret it.

8. Morinth

Kinky fools, be sure to look into Morinth.

She's a vampire that you can marry or keep around as a follower. But either way, the creator of the mod decided to make her look quite beautiful right from the start.

And I know what you're going to do with this mod, so just make sure your door is locked first!

7. Visarra

Well, the creator of this mod somehow managed to create a female orc that truly looks attractive.


Sondas Drenim is a food vendor at Darkwater Crossing, a mining camp.

Athis is a member of the Companions who can be a follower or spouse, as well as one-handed skill trainer, level capped at 25.


Anwen (Redguard), Orla (Nord) and Senna (Breton). All of these ladies live in the Temple of Dibella, goddess of love, in Markarth. Note: There's a reported bug with Orla where she refuses to leave the temple to live in anywhere else.

While not devotees of a love goddess, these three seem to be popular hunky husband choices for their looks, personality and skills.

Marcurio the sassy Imperial mage mercenary can be hired at his residence, the Bee and Barb in Riften, and is level capped at 40.

Onmund is a sweet apprentice at the College of Winterhold who is a potential mage follower (level cap 30) and steward, whose Nord family does not supporting his interest in magic.

Vorstag is a warrior mercenary who can be hired from his residence, the Silverblood Inn in Markarth. He has a sweet disposition while also being a badass fighter, and possesses one of the softer Nord voices in the game.


Camilla is sister to the proprietor of Riverwood Trader and the Imperial creamy center of a love Oreo between Faendal the Bosmer archer and Sven the Nord bard. If you marry her, her 'friends' will continue to visit her at your home, wherever you live. She may also return to Riverwood and take over the family business if her brother dies.

Muiri is a Breton alchemy assistant who inherits the Hag's Cure in Markarth if her employer is killed (and who also has an interesting love life, too, which you will hear about while doing the Dark Brotherhood questline).

Ysolda is an enterprising Nord drug dealer with her own tiny house in Whiterun, who takes over the Bannered Mare if Hulda the innkeeper is killed. She was made 'essential' by one of the official updates (which are automatically included in some versions of the game), so cannot die, I assume because of her role in the quest 'A Night to Remember.'

Sylgja manages to retain her youthful beauty in spite of being a hard-working Nord miner, and her big bust apparently doesn't get in the way of swinging a pickaxe all day at Redbelly Mine in Shor's Stone.

Sorexis an Imperial whose father owns the Winking Skeever in Solitude, involved in a love triangle with Vivienne Onis and Roggvir until the latter was beheaded. After marriage, he may continue flirting with ladies who enter the inn and he hates every home except Proudspire Manor.

Quintusis an Imperial alchemist who takes over the White Phial shop in Windhelm when his employer dies. I don't know if he qualifies as a hottie (maybe if he lost that hat), but he's young and seems to be kind.

Wilhelm owns the Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead. While the Nord cannot be a follower, he possesses pickpocket skill and is marked 'essential' so he can never be killed.

Roggi Knot-Beard is a Nord miner in Kynesgrove, drunk and in debt, who can be a potential spouse, steward and follower, though his skills are minimal and his level is capped at 20.


If you prefer your spouse to be a little older and wiser, we have…

From left to right: Aeri, Nord owner of Anga's Mill and her own house. Gilfre, Imperial owner of Mixwater Mill and her own house. Temba, Nord mill owner in Ivarstead. Uthgerd the Unbroken, Nord mercenary, level cap 30, for hire in the Bannered Mare and owner of a decent house in Whiterun.

Ainethach is a prominent Breton who runs the Sanuarach Mine and owns a farmhouse in Karthwasten.

Balimund is a blacksmith and smithing skill trainer with a house and forge in Riften, which he shares with his adopted son Asbjorn Fire-Tamer.

Filnjar is a Nord blacksmith with a house in Shor's Stone.

Stenvar is a Nord warrior mercenary with a decent sense of humor who may be hired from his home, Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm. He has the same voice as Farkas and Balimund. I married him in my first playthrough. He makes an excellent follower but is capped at level 40 and I had to retire him to Proudspire Manor with our kids sometime between levels 45-50.


If you like the kind of spouse who has green skin and tusks, we have the orcs or 'Orsimer' of Skyrim.

Female orcs: Borgakh the Steel Heart is the daughter of the Chief Larak of the Orc stronghold of Mor Khazgur and a potential follower, level cap 30. Ghorza is a blacksmith and smithing trainer in Markarth, who lives with her brother in Understone Keep.

Male orcs: Gat Gro-Shargakh is a miner who lives in Kolskeggr Mine, east of Markarth. Moth gro-Bagol is Ghorza's brother and also a blacksmith, working and living in Understone Keep in Markarth. Ghorbash the Iron Hand is an Orsimer living in Dushnikh Yal and is the brother of Chief Burguk. He is a potential follower (capped at level 30), spouse and steward.

Or if that isn't exotic enough for you, the Argonian spouses…

One lizard lady, Shahvee, and two lizard gentleman, Derkeethus and Scouts-Many-Marshes.

Scouts-Many-Marshes is a light armor trainer but not a potential follower, so you probably can't retrieve your gold from his inventory after training. He and Shahvee live in the Argonian Assemblage bunkhouse in Windhelm, if you marry and move in with one of them.

If rescued from Darkwater Pass, Derkeethus can be a follower (ranger class, level cap 30 and the only Argonian follower in the game) and potential marriage candidate. After being rescued, he will move back to the small mining camp of Darkwater Crossing and might get killed by Falmer who spawn there.


One male and two female marriage candidates are added by the Dragonborn DLC. All are Nords. From what I've read, these are the only spouses who can live with you in Severin Manor, but I'm not sure if they are limited to Solstheim or can move to Skyrim, too.

Halbarn Iron-FurandHilund are residents of Bujold's Retreat/Thirsk Mead Hall and Morwen has her own home in the Skaal Village. Halbarn and Hilund are level capped at 60, but I'm not sure if any of them can be followers or not.


These are the final three eligible females, but there's much more to discuss on the male side. I'll follow up with that in a sec.

Mjoll the Lioness is a Nord who lives with Aerin in Riften. She is a skilled fighter who can be a follower, and while capped at 40, what makes her special is that she cannot be killed. Even after her quest is finished, she will not die. Keep in mind that wherever she goes, Aerin will follow.

Taarie lives in the Radiant Raiment shop in Solitude, which is pretty special if you decide to move in with her, but what makes her really special is that she is the only Altmer (High Elf) marriage candidate in the game.

Viola is special because she appears to be the only old female marriage candidate, as well as an Imperial living in Windhelm (Ulfric Stormcloak's city) with a very large home that rivals Hjerim.


Omluag is a Breton who lives in the Warrens (basically the homeless shelter) of Markarth.

Odfel is a Nord who shares a small house with an orc and whose claim to fame is a unique pickaxe called Rocksplinter.

Perth is a Breton miner in Soljund's Sinkhole who looks like he should be following Dorothy and Toto to see the Wizard. He shares a house with Tuthul (who is kind of hot looking and has a cool mohawk, but isn't a marriage candidate – why?).

Pavo Attius seems to be the best catch of the bunch, since the Imperial owns the Kolskeggr gold mine and a house outside Markarth, but he will remain in miner's clothes unless you have a PC mod. Forsworn might also invade from time to time and can kill him when you're not around, unless you move him to another home.

Angrenor Once-Honored is a homeless Nord war veteran who lives on the streets of Windhelm.

Belrand is an old spellsword for hire in the Winking Skeever.

Benor is a Nord thug who lives in Morthal and has been denied a job with the city guards but still lives in the guardhouse anyway. Beat him up to win his heart.

Cosnach is a drunk whose heart can also be won by a brawl. In my experience, he's a decent follower with some funny dialog about 'aiming for the one in the middle' (since he's drunk, get it?). He lives in the Warrens of Markarth.

Octieve is a retired old Breton veteran who offers some two-handed training. He gambles, drinks, and lives with his grown daughter Evette in Solitude.


Blazing badass Teldryn Sero fills all top ten of my list. My heart is forever broken that the Dunmer spellsword can neither marry nor become a steward so we could have at least lived together. It might have been nice to marry Faendal, the sweet Bosmer archer of Riverwood, or black leather clad bad boy Brynjolf of the Thieves Guild.

Really, just about any of the Thieves Guild members would have been acceptable partners. Partners for what, exactly? Yeah, I guess they're not really the marrying type.

Alas, they are all unavailable, unless you're rocking a mod on PC. I've been playing on PS3.

~ J.L. Hilton

Connect, support, comment or contact the author here

I really wonder why a website as popular as the Nexus, which is the most prominent mod community, doesn't really have a 'spouses' category.

I was trying to find some cool spouse mods for my characters and I struggled to come across any that I liked. But given all the effort I put into that research, I figured why not share it with you kind Skyrim fans?

So this list covers all my personal favorite mods on relationships, marriage, and family time for TES Skyrim.

It might've taken me hours to put this together, but don't worry – it'll only take you a few minutes to read it and decide which of these mods you want.

And this post includes male spouses for Skyrim as well as female spouses for Skyrim, so it's got a little something for everyone.

In any case, be sure to check out each character and try out the ones you like the most. Some of them are even fully voiced!

15. Marriage Mod

This is the only mod on my list that doesn't add any new spouses to the game.

But I still find it quite fitting because it's truly going to improve your marriage experience by a landslide.

First of all, this mod allows you to have multiple spouses.

Which seems like a fitting thing to do in a world that aims to resemble how the Nords where in the days of old.

I'm pretty sure Bethesda didn't add this feature because of moral reasons. But worry not – modders are far from the most moral people on Earth (looking at you, weirdo mod makers).

That's not all you will get with this mod either.

The marriage mod also aims to fix many of the bugs that marriage has in base-game Skyrim, improving little tweaks that you'll notice as you play with it.

Now it doesn't matter if you want to marry multiple people at once or just make marriage feel better – this is the mod to get.

14. Avrusa Sarethi

Avrusa Sarethi is quite an interesting character, yet one that not many players really wish to marry.


Well, because she isn't really pretty in vanilla Skyrim.

However this mod gives her a quick rework, making this farm woman a much more desirable spouse by changing her looks and some of her quirks.

The also changes the body design, making her look a bit more feminine than her farmer self.

13. Bolrin

Female characters are fun and all. But you might not be looking to marry a woman.

I've added this male character to the list to spice things up a bit.

Plus you also get the chance to have a companion that's a master with the bow and arrow.

It doesn't matter if your character is looking to marry a guy or not, Bolrin is a great addition. Even as a friendly companion to the game.

12. Cute Argonian Spouse

This mod has one of the least original names that I've ever seen.

The name is so dull that I almost chose not to try it, but it's very popular with the community. So I caved and installed this sucker.

Honestly, I'm thankful that I did.

I think it's kinda racist that all marriable characters tend to be humanoids. Reptilians deserve some love as well – especially because they're probably behind the creation of a New World Order (right?)

In any case, it's time for the game to have a proper Argonian spouse. This is the mod to add it! Among a few other aragonian mods.

11. Kashim

Kashim is a mighty Redguard that does wonders with a sword and shield.

He's masterful at combat and a companion that will help you in battle, as well as a character that you can marry.

Redguards aren't really too popular among the community for various reasons.

But this one's a fantastic addition to the game.

10. Brelyna Maryon

Now this mod alters the look of Brelyna to make her look more appealing as a wife.

The mod uses the Better Bodies mod to improve the appearance of the character, as well as some facial modification mods. You might even try combining this with other beauty mods to really revamp Skyrim.

Why not marry a dark elf wizard for a change?

9. Khagra

Khagra is an orc and one of the best male spouses that I came across while making this list.

Optional Kill Amaund Motierre

The details of the character's face are very well done, and the dude himself is super useful as a companion.

Check him out, you won't regret it.

8. Morinth

Kinky fools, be sure to look into Morinth.

She's a vampire that you can marry or keep around as a follower. But either way, the creator of the mod decided to make her look quite beautiful right from the start.

And I know what you're going to do with this mod, so just make sure your door is locked first!

7. Visarra

Well, the creator of this mod somehow managed to create a female orc that truly looks attractive.

List Of Wives Of Skyrim

Kudos to the guy, and good for us. I guess.

She's quite a good companion that isn't only there for the looks, but also for her prowess in battle.

6. Anruin

Anruin is a replacer for Faendal.

You won't miss the fool, though. As he's one of the most boring characters out there.

In any case, Anruin is a male wood elf that will become a follower that is very prominent in the arts of destruction magic.

Marry the dude or keep him around for protection; it's up to you to do what you wish.

Just be sure to get the best out of him – he's a pretty useful follower!

5. Avelyn

Alright, you thirsty fools.

Avelyn is probably the hottest character on this list and one that truly serves her purpose of being a powerful companion.

She's a warrior and will help you fight off any foes that you might encounter. But she's also quite good at protecting herself (and yourself) from attacks.

She can block, stab, slice, but most importantly, she can smash.

No pun intended.

4. Marriable Serana

Serana is possibly the most coveted spouse in the game. Yet you can't really marry her in any edition of Skyrim.

This mod changes that.

But you still need to complete the quest Kindred Judgment if you wish to have her as your partner.

There are also some mods out there that further improve her looks, even though the Skyrim community at large doesn't seem to think that's needed.

In any case, Serana is a powerful companion that will make a fine wife for the Dragonborn.

3. Interesting NPCs

The Interesting NPCs mod isn't something that exclusively adds specific spouses to the game.

But the fact that it adds tons of new characters and over 15 potential spouses that you can marry is enough to warrant a spot on my list.

The mod adds a grand total of 250 characters to the game, all of which are fully voiced and you can interact with every single one of them.

I truly recommend you check out this mod for the sole fact of how many new NPCs you get.

You will truly feel that the game is more alive than ever. Which is especially important if you've been playing the game since release.

2. Vilja

Listen, I won't lie to you. Vilja is an interesting character.

But she can be extremely annoying at times.

In fact, sometimes you're going to be wishing that she had a mute button.

In other words, Vilja is the perfect wife experience that you'll find in Skyrim!

Aside from that extremely chauvinist joke, she's a pretty useful character that'll serve as a great companion in your adventures.

She has a goal of her own, though. And one that she'll be looking to achieve by your side if you let her tag along.

She's a bard and one of the most interesting voiced characters that I've come across in many years of adding mods to Skyrim.

So it's truly a mod that I can recommend to anyone. She's a great companion for females or males – regardless of whether you intend to marry her or not.

1. Sofia

I know what you're thinking and the answer is no; I haven't added this mod to the first spot on my list solely because the character is made to look like a supermodel.

In fact, Sofia is one of the best character mods in the game. And that's not only because the girl is smoking hot.

Which she is.

Sofia is fully voice acted and provides you with a unique experience every time you interact with her.

Even if you choose not to marry her for some crazy reason, having Sofia as a companion is a pretty cool way to spice up your adventure.

As I said, the character is fully voiced. Imagine the fun you can have with that!

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